Thank you for your support
Campus Ministry provides the opportunity for students to create lasting friendships, find the freedom to pursue their faith, and come to know the full love of God and what it means to be His sons and daughters.
These opportunities are found through retreats, outreach programs, small group gatherings, fellowship events, weekly service projects, mission trips, speaker series and more — and they are made possible by the continued generosity of those who support Campus Ministry.
If you are interested in supporting the overall mission and programs provided by the Office of Campus Ministry, you can do so in the following ways:
Prayer is a powerful tool. We ask that you pray for the students, staff, and faculty at Catholic University — that they would be encouraged by the love of God, and that their hearts would be opened to His teachings. We also ask that you pray for the Campus Ministry team as we encourage and guide members of The Catholic University community in their faith journey.
If you would like to support Campus Ministry financially, you can make checks out to CUA Campus Ministry and mail to our office at the following address:
Office of Campus Ministry
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave., NE
Washington DC 20064