Weather Policy

When the University closes due to inclement weather, there will be no daytime Masses (8:15 AM, 12:05 PM, 12:30 PM) during the times of closure. Evening (5:10 PM, 10:00 PM) and weekend Masses (Saturday, Sunday) will still be celebrated unless an announcement is made otherwise.

Summer Liturgical Schedule

12:05 PM Mass | Monday-Friday | St. Michael the Archangel Chapel (Maloney Hall)

No regularly scheduled Confession times.

Academic Year Liturgical Schedule

At Catholic University, you will find Sunday and weekday Masses, adoration, special university liturgies, and many other opportunities to honor God through worship. The regular liturgical schedule below begins with the first day of class and continues through the academic year. Special schedules will be posted for summer break, winter break, and other days throughout the year.

Sunday Mass & Confession Times

9:00 AM St. Paul's Chapel (Caldwell Hall)
11:00 AM* St. Vincent de Paul Chapel
2:30 PM (Español) Upper Church of the Basilica
4:00 PM Crypt Church of the Basilica
9:00 PM* St. Vincent de Paul Chapel

*Confessions at 10:30 AM and 8:30 PM until finished in St. Vincent de Paul Chapel.

Monday to Friday Mass & Confession Times // Rosary

8:15 AM St. Michael the Archangel Chapel (Maloney Hall)
12:05 PM St. Michael the Archangel Chapel (Maloney Hall)
12:30 PM Mary, Mirror of Justice (Columbus School of Law)
5:10 PM* St. Vincent de Paul Chapel
10:00 PM* St. Vincent de Paul Chapel

*Confessions at 4:30 PM and 9:30 PM before Mass in St. Vincent de Paul Chapel.

*On Thusdays, the 5:10pm Mass is in Spanish. 

Rosary begins before Mass at 4:45 PM. On Thusdays, the Rosary is in Spanish. 

Saturday Mass

9:00 AM St. Paul's Chapel (Caldwell Hall)*

*There is a Rosary before Mass at 8:40 AM. 

Holy Hours at St. Vincent de Paul Chapel

Tues., 8:45 PM Adoration & Confessions (Simple)
Wed., 8:45 PM* Adoration & Confessions (Praise & Worship)
Thurs., 8:45 PM* Adoration & Confessions (Solemn)

*Confessions begin at 9:30 PM on Wednesday and Thursday. 

For accommodations, please email Campus Ministry at