Each year before Christmas, the Catholic University of America hosts a "Living Nativity," featuring a reproduction of the first Nativity scene, with live animals.

We call this Living Nativity Greccio, because it was at a cave in the Italian region of Greccio where, some 8 centuries ago, St. Francis of Assisi was inspired to do this very thing. This long-ago event at Greccio has become famous and is the inspiration for modern Nativity scenes.

December 12, 2021

All faculty and staff, their families, and our friends and neighbors are invited to be a part of this event, which will be held on the evening of December 12, 2021. You will enjoy the Living Nativity as we recount the narrative of how St. Francis recreated the manger scene.

Specific information on the previous event may be found here.

Story of the Christmas Creche

More information about how St. Francis of Assisi began the tradition of the Christmas creche can be found here.