Join the Catholic University community for an afternoon of games, face painting, craft, and an egg hunt! Take a picture with the Easter Bunny too! This event is geared towards families and younger children. Please leave fur babies at home.
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2024 - rain or shine
Time: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
**The EGG HUNT will be at 1:50pm. Please no strollers around the egg hunt.**
Location: The Columbus Law School Lawn at The Catholic University of America (See campus map). It is on the back side of the Columbus Law School, if approaching from John McCormack Rd. Alternatively, if coming from the McMahon parking lot it is behind the Pryzbyla building.
There is a lot of construction on campus right now- so parking will be limited. However, parking is available at: McMahon parking lot, Pangborn lot, University Garage and street parking (closest is on John McCormack Rd NE). We recommend that guests use public transportation.
Rain Plan Location: Pryzbyla Center Great Rooms
Cost: FREE!
Contact: If you need special accommodations or have questions, please contact Elizabeth Dern.
Brookland and Catholic University Community Registration
All Brookland and Catholic University families are welcome to join us for the free Spring to CUA event. We ask you to please sign up with this registration form.
Volunteer Information
Day-of Volunteers
Email Elizabeth Dern (derne@cua.edu) if you want to volunteer the day of Spring to CUA.
Games/Activities Table Sponsorship Registration
Student organizations can sponsor an activity table during the evening. Responsibilities include set-up, clean-up and volunteers for your table during the event. To sign up, please email Elizabeth Dern.