Center for Cultural Engagement (CCE)

Located the Pryzbyla Center, the Center for Cultural Engagement works with student organizations and campus departments to promote intercultural education and awareness at the University. It organizes and sponsors a rich schedule of events cultural events, from dinners, movie nights, and concerts to the annual Thanksgiving Potluck and International Week celebration. The CCE represents and reflects the University’s commitment to a creating a campus and world that values every human being and supports and celebrates their unique experiences and contributions.

Columbus (Law School) Community Legal Services (CCLS)

The CCLS Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Clinic (IRAC) teams Catholic University law students with supervising clinic attorneys to assist clients—adults, as well as unaccompanied minors— with immigration matters and other civil matters that may affect or relate to clients’ immigration of refugee status. Catholic University law students participating in IRAC are dedicated to advancing justice and work tirelessly on behalf of immigrant and refugee clients to protect their rights and expand access to justice and opportunity in the U.S. Contact CCLS at 202-319-6788.

International Buddy Program

Catholic University students who have studied abroad know what it's like to feel lost and alone in a foreign country. Similarly, the transition to American culture for international students can be difficult as well, and it helps to have a local friend. So, the International Buddy Program was created to provide international students with a “buddy” to help them overcome the challenges of adapting to life in the U.S. Buddies are returning CUA students who serve as a resource for 1–2 incoming international students, helping them get to know more about the University, campus, and all the things to see and do in the great city of Washington.