Joshua Abando

Assistant Campus Minister for Residence Ministry

Joshua was born and raised in Manassas, Virginia. He attended George Mason University in Fairfax, where he studied kinesiology. He always loved being with people at the physical therapy clinics he worked at during his undergrad, and he enjoyed playing Spikeball with anyone and everyone. At GMU, Joshua encountered the Lord in a deeper way than ever before through the Catholic Campus Ministry. He discovered a profound love for mission and spiritual development by participating in and leading Bible Studies, helping coordinate student-led retreats, and accompanying his peers in discipleship. 
Upon graduating, Joshua heard the Lord call him to do missionary work with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), which sent him to New Jersey for two years. Along the journey, he's traveled to Rome, Assisi, Mexico City, and the Galapagos Islands for pilgrimages and mission trips!
After closing his chapter with FOCUS in 2024, he returned to the DMV to continue his mission as the Associate Campus Minister for Residence Ministry at Catholic University.
He is always excited to get to know new people with his endless bag of unique icebreaker questions, learn a new game/sport to play, or make the occasional bubble tea run!