College is a time to consider how God is calling you to serve our church, nation, and world. In addition to pursuing a career, it is also important to discern a state in life — marriage, priesthood, religious life, and the single life. Over the last 12 years, more than 100 graduates of Catholic University have entered a program of religious formation, and many of our graduates are current leaders in the Church today.
Individual Consultation
In addition to attending discernment meetings, students are invited to meet with members of the Campus Ministry Pastoral Staff to discuss a possible religious vocation and receive assistance with the process of discernment. However, it is the individual responsibility of the student to decide which dioceses and communities to visit and with whom to apply. Spiritual direction is also encouraged for students considering a possible religious vocation. If a student needs assistance in finding a spiritual director, he or she can always speak with a Campus Ministry Pastoral Staff member. Feel free to contact Campus Ministry with any questions.