RENEW groups are small faith communities that gather weekly to grow in faith and friendship, study the Gospel, and learn to model their lives after the example set by Jesus Christ.

These intentional communities can be found in each of the first-year residence halls and in each school.

RENEW leadership positions fall into two categories: Small Group Leaders who facilitate weekly meetings with RENEW members and lead faith-centered discussions, and the Core Team who oversees and provides guidance for Small Group Leaders and Co-leaders.

RENEW Small Group Leaders 
These leaders are the backbone of the RENEW program. RENEW Small Group Leaders are those who facilitate the weekly meetings that take place in the residence halls and schools on campus. They are responsible for leading prayer and faith-sharing discussions, organizing social events, and following up with their Renew community.

RENEW Core Team
The RENEW Core Team is at the heart of all RENEW communities spread across campus. The Core Team consists of seven members and is headed by a seminarian. This team serves as an organizing body for all the small groups, providing weekly reflection guides for faith-sharing discussions and coordinating events for the RENEW groups throughout the year. These events include the Covenant Mass and Dinner in the fall and spring semesters, Service Days, RENEW Leaders’ Brunch, and RENEW Mixers.