Sept. 18: Introduction: Knowing and Desiring God
Sept. 25: Revelation and Faith; Intro to Prayer and the Sacraments
Oct. 2: The Most Holy Trinity
Oct. 16: Creation and the Fall; Encountering Jesus in the Scriptures
Oct. 23: Jesus Christ: True God and True Man; Our Savior and Redeemer
Oct. 30: The Holy Spirit
Nov. 6: The Church, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Communion of Saints
Nov. 13: Baptism and Confirmation
Nov. 20: Rite of Welcome / The Eucharist & Eucharistic Adoration
Dec. 4: The Mass; Liturgical and Mental Prayer
Dec. 11: Confession
Jan. 22: Marriage, Priesthood & Religious Life
Jan. 29: Happiness, the Christian Moral Life; Law and the Ten Commandments
Feb. 5: The Life of Grace & Faith
Feb. 12: The Virtue of Hope and the Last Things
Feb. 19: Love of God and Love of Neighbor
Feb. 26: Rite of Sending / Prudence, Conscience, and Justice
Mar. 19: Temperance and Chastity
Mar. 26: Living out Catholic Teaching in a Secular Society; Beatitudes and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Apr. 16: Stewardship and Handing on the Faith; Scripture and Spiritual Reading
Apr. 23: Mary, the Saints and Devotions